Monday, November 27, 2006


Previously posted June 7, 2006 - this was the beginning of a new chapter of my life and I didn't even know it at the time

Last Fall, I had a D&C because my uterus was lined with precancerous cells. So, 8 months later and a round of Natural Progesterone pills, my GYN did a uterine biopsy late yesterday. Last time, I barely felt it, so I had no apprehension at all. Well, once the procedure started, I sure wish I'd had the were with all to take Valium or something!! OUCH!!! Nothing like having a long sharp instrument threaded through your cervix for the shear purpose of ripping tissue from the walls of my uterus!!!

I got home from the procedure, took a Tylenol w/ Codeine, ate, laid on the couch, took *another* Tylenol w/ Codeine and called it a night. Woke up this morning just a little achy. Drove to work and proceeded to attempt to work. Let's just say, sitting at a computer is not the most conducive environment when one is in pain. Around noon, I left work, came home, took another Tyl. w/ Cod. and have been couched up all afternoon. Finally feeling a little better. Fortunately, I have a massage scheduled tonight, so I'm hoping that'll make me feel better.

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