Friday, September 14, 2007

Finally it's Friday!!

Where has the week gone? I feel I've been remiss in posting this week, it's that I didn't really have much to report. That doesn't mean there's not a lot happening...I just can't report some of it yet.

I've had kind of a crappy health week. Some sort of bad chest cold. One of my bosses told me I sounded like the Ferris Bueller tape...well, at least my cough is real!! On top of that, I had lower back issues all week. Sounds like my body needs a tune up. Probably not a bad idea!

I found out that I was accepted into a free retreat for cancer survivors. Debra actually sent the information to me and encouraged me to go. It's being offered by Wind River Services in the foothills of the NC mountains. I'm looking very forward to some time to be in nature and be by myself. My group is the "maiden voyage" of this organization. I'm sure it's going to be incredible. I'll report back after I attend.

Sofie is with Debra this weekend, although I'm sure I'll see her some since it's my birthday tomorrow. Having a hard time getting excited that it's my birthday. Too much life is happening but I know I should slow down and enjoy it. Tomorrow afternoon or evening I'm hanging out with my best friend Sharon. Her partner is out of town, so she and I get to do some serious "couch laying"...meaning she lays on one couch, I lay on the other and we chit-chat for hours. My idea of a perfect birthday!

Sunday I'll celebrate with friends/family since Debra has a house guest starting tonight through Sunday morning. Probably something cream maybe. Who knows. It'll be fun. Next weekend Sofie and I head to Greensboro for "Snaketacular" at the science museum, then over to my dad's for a home cooked meal of my choice.The next day we'll go out on his boat and he and Sofie can fish while I chill on the boat. Blissful indeed.

To all my Jewish friends and readers...L'shanah tovah(Happy New Year...actually "for a good year")

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