Monday, January 22, 2007

Exhaustion...and pushing thru

It's been a long, hard week for me. As noted in my previous post, this round of chemo didn't go as smoothly as past treatments. Little did I know that chemo day would be the first of 3 visits to Clinic 2A this week.

All my blood counts were down last week, so visit 2 was so I could take a shot of Neulasta. This is a drug to make sure the WBC doesn't tank before my next treatment. Apparently, this will allow my body to create more white blood cells. Unfortunately, the side effects are bone pain and flu-like symptoms. Great. On top of the joint pain that goes along with chemo, now I get to experience bone pain and flu-like symptoms!! I don't have time for that this week.

Visit number 3 was with Debra. She had her port-o-cath put in on Friday, then immediately after that, she had a transfusion. The nurses in the clinic were surprised to see me again. It was interesting being in the other chair. I was glad Debra got to meet my favorite nurse and we got to smirk about the nurse that makes her skin crawl! We watched Oprah, listened to a 90 year old patient tell funny stories and socialized with the nurses in clinic 2A, all the while iron rich blood dripped through the newly placed port. I hope the effects of the transfusion work and Debra gets her energy back.

I'm feeling the effects this time. Still fighting off some sort of cold, my body aches more than usual. I may have overdone it this past week. I don't regret doing anything I did, I just know I probably should have taken things a bit slower. Normally, I'm back at work today. It will be a few days before I'm up for that. I woke up this morning feeling as if I'd been hit by a truck. (Must be that "bone pain" they mentioned!!)

My mind is a bit disjointed and writing this entry has been the most taxing thing I've done today. Just wanted to update this blog. I'll try to be back to my witty self soon. In the meanwhile, thanks to everyone for helping the family unit out.

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